JFrog Artifactory Boot Camp - 2 Day
Typically software development produces two main types of output: (1) source code, and (2) binary artifacts. Our production software systems often incorporate or rely on many dozens or hundreds of binary artifacts.
Unfortunately, all these dependencies are often poorly managed and software teams can easily become ensnared in "dependency hell." Artifactory is designed to remedy this situation, as well as enabling a large number of other lean-agile engineering best practices.
Throughout this course, we will be exploring jFrog Artifactory and how we can integrate it into our workflow to improve the speed and efficiency of software development and deployment.
This workshop will teach you how to use JFrog Artifactory for dependency management, artifact management, and as a repo for common binary products.
By the end of this JFrog Artifactory training workshop, you will understand how to:
Manage dependencies using Artifactory
Avoid versioning and storing binary artifacts in your version control system
Integrate Artifactory into your IDE
Use Artifactory to help eliminate redundant handling, maintenance, and management of third-party libraries
Further enable and mature your enterprise CI/CD and DevOps practices
Use a CI toolchain to automate dependency management
Part 1: Introduction: Dependency Management and Artifactory
What to expect from this course
Course Roadmap
Binary Dependency Management Overview
Artifactory Overview
The problem space Artifactory allows us to solve
How Artifactory fits into a continuous delivery pipeline
Connecting to the class lab environment
In the first part of this course, we explore the concepts behind Artifactory, and how it helps us to optimize our continuous delivery workflow and application delivery.
We also get you connected to your course lab environment which we will be using for an exploration of Artifactory throughout the course, and so you can participate in the course exercises to gain hands-on experience with the software.
Part 2: The Artifactory Data Model
Users and Groups in Artifactory
Repository formats
Part 3: Hands-On: Artifactory and Maven
Setting up Maven
Setting up deployment
Deploying through the web UI
Browsing Artifactory
Searching artifacts
Removing artifacts
With all the installation and configuration work out of the way, it is time to put Artifactory to work for us. In this section, we set up our first Artifactory project using Maven, and we learn how to search, manage and publish/stage our artifacts.
Part 4: Hands-On: Integration with CI Tools
Integrating with Jenkins
Integrating with Eclipse
Integrating with Visual Studio
We have already used Artifactory through its web UI and through the command line, in the tools we use every day for Software development, Eclipse for Java developers and Microsoft Visual Studio for .NET. We also integrate it with our continuous integration environment Jenkins, to automate our continuous delivery pipeline and make it as efficient as possible.
Part 5: Hands-On: Further Integrating Artifactory with your IDE
Working with Ant
Working with Ivy
Working with non Java projects (NodeJS)
Working with .NET
So far our focus has been on projects built with Maven, in this section of the course we take a look at how we go about configuring projects using other build tools such as Ant, or how we go about building and deploying artifacts for .NET projects or the increasingly popular NodeJS.
After completing this part of the course you should have a good understanding of how to adapt Artifactory for any type of project, from Ruby on Rails to Docker containers, you will have the knowledge and hands-on experience to make the most of Artifactory for your projects.
Part 6: Class Conclusion
Q and A
Next steps
Discussion of other needs in your deployment pipeline